倾斜地球同步轨道卫星 IGSO
地球同步轨道导弹预警卫星 geosynchronous-orbit (GEO) ballistic missile early-warning satellite
同步地球轨道卫星 geosynchronous earth orbit satellite ; GEOS
与地球同步的卫星轨道 geostationary satellite orbit
地球轨道同步卫星 geosynchronous earth orbit satellite
地球同步轨道气象卫星 GEO meteorological satellite
The research on geosynchronous satellite autonomous navigation technology.
In the case of finite thrust apogee maneuver for the geostationary satellite, the fuel consumption increases due to the long burn arc.
洛克希德马丁公司的工程师们第二个天基红外系统(SBIRS- 2)地球同步轨道卫星(全球环境展望2)的工作。
Lockheed Martin engineers work on the second Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) geosynchronous orbit (GEO-2) spacecraft at Lockheed Martin's facilities in Sunnyvale, Calif.