《意志自由》是1992年生活.读书.新知三联书店出版的图书,作者是(俄)洛斯基(Лосский,Н.)。 意志自由是指人类借助于对事物的认识而作出决定并采取行动的能力。最初从道德角度提出来,作为伦理学范畴,指人在行动时对善与恶、道德或不道德的一种选择自由。后发展成对自由与必然、决定论与非决定论的探讨。古希腊德谟克里特认为德行可教可学,初步提出了意志可决定自己道德行为的思想。亚里士多德明确提出,人的意志有能力选择和决定向己的行为,人必须对自己的行为负道德责任。
我们认为,王阳明的良知自由和 意志自由 ( the freedom of the will )是紧密相连的。良知的完善所决定的人可以完全依照自己的意志行事,在这一点上,如同康德的关于 意志自由 的道德公设。
这篇论文的主题不是所谓的意志自由(Liberty of the Will),不是与被误称为哲学必然性(Philosophical Necessity)的学说不幸相反的意志自由,而是公民自由或社会自由(Civil,Or
自由意志(又作意志自由) free will
自由意志 Free Will ; Der freie Wille ; Libero Arbitrio ; Freedom of the Will
相对意志自由罪过理论 The fault theory of restricted free will
自由意志主义者 libertarian
以自由意志 voluntarily
论自由意志 De Libero Arbitrio ; OnFreeWill
自由意志论 De Libero Arbitrio ; libertarianism
自由意志论者 libertarian
时间与自由意志 Time and Free Will
Afterwards, the author proposes the approval social behavior theory and thinks that it should be defined as the bodily actions which are under the control of the freedom of will and of social significance.
参考来源 - 刑法中行为概念的逻辑展开(研究生论文)In another word, free will is equal to autonomy and good will, that’s the nature of practical reason .
参考来源 - 康德理性主义道德哲学探究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Just as the past does not interfere with our free will, neither does the future.
The users can move in the space with their willing. So they can feel the immersion and participation.
The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related.
And why is that? Within the perspective of Milton's free-will theology, sin can't exist as an external reality.
Through the dynamics of the counter-plot, the similes reassure us of what Hartman calls the "graceful coexistence of free will and divine providence."
Even if something that did have free will would have to be non-physical, it wouldn't follow that we're non-physical.