...丹(Chlordane) 氯化石蜡(C10-C13)(Chlorinated paraffin (C10-C13)) 氯化吩 (Phenarsaz ine chloride) 氯化汞(Mercuric chloride) 氯化汞(Mercury bichloride) 氯化亚汞(Mercurous chloride) 氯化铵汞(Mercuric ammonium chloride) 氯化铵基汞(Mercury ammoniu...
苯基氯化汞 phenylmercuric chloride
一氯化汞 mercury subchloride ; calomel
氯化汞铵 Ammoniated Mercury
氨基氯化汞 [无化] ammoniated mercuric chloride ; [无化] aminomercuric chloride
甲基氯化汞 mathylmercuric chloride
铵合氯化汞 Ammonium Mercuric Chloride
氯化亚汞 Mercury chloride ; calomel ; [无化] mercurous chloride ; HgCl
氯化汞钾 Potassium mercuric chloride ; Mercurate,tetrachloro-,dipotassium
氯化汞触媒 Mercury chloride catalyst
The apparent volume of distribution(Vd) of PHP in mercuric chloride group enlarged more than the glycerol and the control(P<0.01).
参考来源 - 两种急性肾衰家兔模型的酚红药动学比较·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The reutilization of water, tail gas and carbide slag in PVC production by calcium carbide method, and service condition of super low content mercuric chloride catalyst were introduced.
结果表明, 经氯化汞活化的金属钐对酮类化合物与烯丙基或苄基卤代物的反应很有效, 可高产率地生成叔醇。
Samarium metal (activated by HgCl2) is an effective reagent for allylation or benzylation of ketones. The corresponding tertiary alcs. are obtained in satisfactory yields.
Animal ARF can be induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, glycerine, gentamicin and mercuric chloride, and typical acute tubular necrosis can be observed in pathological changes.