n. cloud-castle ; ivory tower
misc. castle in the air
仅凭技巧(Skills)没有实力(Competence)就像Castle in the air(空中楼阁)是无法长久维持的。比如,雅思阅读虽然没有需要特定记忆的一些单词,但对于词汇的理解和识别能力依旧是考察阅读的一方面。
不可抗拒(杰西卡•辛普森)Jessica Simpson- Irresistible 空中楼阁 (Ian Van Dahl) Castles In The Sky 绝不 (格莱尼斯•格雷斯) Glennis Grace- Absolutely Not ..
... the daydream-a melody tree 国外代理馆-韩国huks music系列-白日梦3-一颗开花的树 castle in the air; daydream; ivory tower 空中楼阁 daydon 戴登 ...
空中楼阁理论 castle-in-the-air theory ; Castles in theory
海市蜃楼/空中楼阁 castle in the air
像空中楼阁 like a house of cards
虚无多变的空中楼阁 Plastic Castle in the Air
修建空中楼阁 Buiding castles in the air
我是空中楼阁 The way you move is like a full on rainstorm And I'm a house of cards
冰淇淋、空中楼阁 And ice cream castles in the air
我的空中楼阁 Reading Appreciation
空中阁楼 SkyLoft ; Aeroloft
As he walked along, his brain was busy planning hundreds of wonderful things, building hundreds of castles in the air.
Football is not built on nothing - it's built on huge popularity among supporters.