This mysterious and wholly unaccounted for property allowed Epicurus to maintain a concept of human free will against the critics of earlier atomic theories.
These questionnaires were based on a previously developed research instrument called the Free Will and Determinism Scale.
正如我上次所说的,自由意志这个主题 或者说自由意志,决定论,因果论,责任,这一堆问题,是极端困难和复杂的物理问题
Now, as I said last time, the subject of free will--or free will, determinism, causation and responsibility, this cluster of problems-- is an extremely difficult and complicated physical problem.
Suppose we do believe in incompatibilism and believe that we've got free will.
Now, as I said last time, the subject of free will--or free will, determinism, causation and responsibility, this cluster of problems-- is an extremely difficult and complicated physical problem.
正如我上次所说的,自由意志这个主题 或者说自由意志,决定论,因果论,责任,这一堆问题,是极端困难和复杂的物理问题