10+3合作 APT cooperation
10+3合作基金 the APT Cooperation Fund
10+3村官交流 the APT Village Leaders’ Exchange Program
10+3大米紧急储备 the APTERR (ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve)
10+3互联互通研讨会 the International Seminar on APT Connectivity Partnership
10+3大米紧急储备机制 APTERR institution
10+3国际产能合作研讨会 an international seminar on APT production capacity cooperation
10+3旅游合作谅解备忘录 the APT MOU on Tourism Cooperation
10+3宏观经济研究办公室 AMRO
The two sides agreed to achieve the long-term objective of realizing East Asian Community through the 10+3 cooperation mechanism and supports holding an East Asia Summit at a suitable time.
The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.
He also put forward four proposals on the next stage of 10 + 3 cooperation.
他还就下一阶段10 + 3合作的方向提出四点建议。