家和万事兴 A family that lives in harmony will prosper 快餐店 a fast-food restaurant 一列列车在早上繁忙时间发生故障,导致调景岭至北角之间的列车服务中断四十七分钟,数以千计的过海乘客上班迟到。
At a Fast-Food Restaurant 在快餐店
In a fast food restaurant 在快餐店
It's a fast food restaurant 是个快餐厅
a fast food restaurant 一家快餐店
In addition to being a bagger, he's worked at a fast-food restaurant.
Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast-food restaurant.
"Usually, the drive-through accounts for sixty to seventy percent of all business that goes through a fast-food restaurant," notes Sam Oches, editor of QSR.
“通常,得来速占快餐店所有业务的60%到70%。”QSR 杂志的编辑 Sam Oches 指出。