... a pool car 共用的其中一辆汽车 Coordinate pool car usage 安排银行车辆使 car pool 合伙用车 ; 汽车合用组织 ; 汽车撞球 ; 汽车组织 ...
You will only have ‘made it’ when you have a house/car/pool etc.
Yellow Pages or a service pool to query often-changing and more complex information (e.g. a route from Berlin to Porto by car, or the current temperature of Porto in Celsius).
黄页服务或者一个服务池(service pool)。用来查询不断变化和日益复杂的的信息(比如开车从柏林到波尔图的路线,以及波尔图当前的温度)。
Our expenses around them are less than average, because I telecommute a few times a week and car pool with a buddy occasionally.