To this day, I can count the number of times I saw a toothy smile on her almost daunting face.
Using a motion-capture system, the robot, called Geminoid TMF, can move its rubber face to imitate a smile, a toothy grin, and a grim look with furrowed brows.
这款名为Geminoid TMF的机器人利用一个动作捕捉系统,使她的橡胶制成的脸庞可以动起来,从而模仿出微笑、露齿笑和皱眉头的严峻表情。
Happy camper: A sulfur miner relaxes with a surprisingly toothy smile at a base camp called Camp Sulfatara on May 24.
快乐的矿工: 一名硫磺矿工正在一个名为sulfatara的营地休息,镜头里他咧着嘴开心的笑着(图片摄于5月24日)。