Abercrombie&Fitch 阿贝克隆比 ; 费奇 ; 亚伯克隆比 ; 麋鹿
Abercrombie Fitch 阿贝克隆比 ; 阿贝克隆比费奇 ; 代购 ; 专柜
Abercrombie & Fitch Candace jackets 棕色夹克 ; 棕色短夹克
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The young people and their activities are displayed as caricatures -- the college girls are all flawless models, and the final club guys are all stacked Abercrombie & Fitch model types.
影片中,年轻人及其活动被表现得有如漫画一般——女生全都是完美无暇的模特,而期末俱乐部的男生也都仿佛青少年服装品牌A &F(Abercrombie &Fitch)的模特一般,无不拥有迷人的身姿。
More specifics on price increases are expected when clothing retailers such as J.C. Penney Co. and Abercrombie & Fitch Co. report financial results this month.
With celebrity often come expensive gifts and swanky brand endorsements, but in the case of the cast of Jersey Shore, Abercrombie &Fitch is begging—nearly pleading—that they stop wearing its line.
谈到明星,人们总会将他们与贵重礼品及奢侈品代言联系在一起,但这也不是放之四海而皆准的,比如电视真人秀《泽西海滩》的演员们就遭遇了这样一场尴尬。 美国知名服饰品牌A&F请求(几乎可以说是恳请)《泽》剧演员不要再穿他们品牌的衣服。