... accumulator register 累加寄存器,累加计数器 accumulator switch 电池转换开关 accuracy 准确度,精确度 ...
... accumulator spring 蓄压器弹簧缓冲系统弹簧 accumulator switch 电池组转换开关 accumulator switch 蓄电池转换开关 ...
accumulator pressure switch 蓄能器压力开关
accumulator charging valve switch 蓄能器充气阀开关
accumulator E switch 电池转换开关
accumulator warning switch 蓄压器报警开关
The leaking could come from anywhere in the system, from tubing to an accumulator to a tiny pressure switch gone bad.
Unplug the wire harness connector from the low pressure cycling clutch switch on the top of the accumulator.
Our company has in long terms provided connection box, accumulator box, switch cabinet for railway coaches, workshops and power stations.
我公司长期为铁路车辆、厂房、电站提供分线箱、蓄电池箱、 配电柜。