...本,他们的天份就只能糟蹋在这种东拼西凑为了续集而续集的杂牌电影上了,说本片是动作喜剧版的「惊声尖笑(Action Comedy Movie),前提是去掉了嘲讽部分,我想也不为过吧!
An Action Comedy Movie 动作喜剧片
I'm not looking to do a comedy after a drama or an action movie after a love story - that's not the way I choose roles.
一场戏结束后,我没想着要演一出喜剧;或者在一场爱情剧之后,又接着演一出动作剧- - - - - -我选择角色的方式不是这样的。
In the movie industry, films are segmented into genres, such as action and adventure, drama, romance, horror, and comedy.
In the second part the spectators and even the usherette watch the movie, in which could by find action, crazy comedy, or horror in very short time.