二、涂料与油墨的组成 G R O U P 涂料与油墨的介绍 添加剂(Additive Agent) 在涂料中能增加某些树脂无法提供的特性, 使加工与涂装作业更顺畅。
surface active additive agent 表面活性物质
organic additive agent 有机添加剂
new additive agent 新型添加剂
feed additive agent 饲料添加剂
food additive agent 食品添加剂
mixed additive agent 复合添加剂
paper additive agent 造纸助剂
The process of wide temperature swift aluminium anodizing and it's mechanism of additive agent are studied.
The important factors affecting their grinding efficiency include amplitude, density, ball charge and additive agent.
We have explored the best ratio of oil, water, coal and additive agent in OWCP, also the law in the course of preparing OWCP.