(下) 家有过动儿(ADHD in Chinese)2009年5月6日 杜耳运动持续的做了两年,可惜的是,他的ADHD症状真的如外藉心理学家所言, 没有明显改善,他还得继续靠药物治疗。
AbstractObjectiveTo develop the norm of the ADHD Diagnostic ScaleParent Version (ADHDDSP) in Chinese urban children and to test the reliability and validity of this scale.
The boy's nasal allergy symptoms were improved after several rounds of treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, but no improvement in his ADHD symptoms was observed.
其鼻过敏的相关症状, 在几次的中药治疗之后, 便获得相当的改善与进步, 然而其过动焦躁的病症却没有丝毫的改善;