...道,尼卫生部部长特别助理尼伊·奥朱欧拉普日前证实,在尼日利亚南部三角洲州某些地方确实存在非洲猪热病(African Swine Fever),但这种病与今年早些时候在墨西哥发现的猪流感(Swine Flu),即甲型H1N1流感有所不同,它只是一种动物病,只会影响猪只,而不会...
... 国际)(1023 04:00)正当H1N1甲形流感(人类猪流感)在全球肆虐之际,联合国粮农组织警告,致命的非洲猪瘟(African Swine Fever,ASF)已由高加索地区传至俄罗斯南部,或进一步传到欧盟地区,甚至向东扩散到中国。
... 国际)(1023 04:00)正当H1N1甲形流感(人类猪流感)在全球肆虐之际,联合国粮农组织警告,致命的非洲猪瘟(African Swine Fever,ASF)已由高加索地区传至俄罗斯南部,或进一步传到欧盟地区,甚至向东扩散到中国。
African swine fever virus 非洲猪瘟病毒 ; 由非洲猪瘟病毒 ; 是由非洲猪瘟病毒 ; 根据非洲猪瘟病毒
african swine fever iridovirus 非洲猪瘟虹彩病毒
african swine fever virus genus 非洲猪瘟病毒属
N a highly contagious fatal disease of pigs caused by a myxovirus. The disease is characterized by fever, blotches on the skin, depression, and lack of coordination 非洲猪瘟; 传染性很高的由粘液病毒所引起的致命性猪病,其特征为发热,皮肤发绀,神经抑制以及动作不协调。 [vet science]
The invention discloses a competitive ELISA kit for detecting african swine fever virus antibody and the purposes thereof, which belong to the biological technical field.
The kit adopts prokaryotic expression recombinant P30 protein as coating antigen, and detects the African swine fever virus antibody in pig serum according to a competitive ELISA principle.
试剂盒采用原核表达的重组P 30蛋白作为包被抗原,依据竞争ELISA原理检测猪血清中非洲猪瘟病毒的抗体。
West Nile virus, which is carried by mosquitoes and infects mainly birds, but which can be deadly to humans, and African swine fever, are two diseases that could hit the UK in the coming year.