Aftermath XHD 僵尸射击 ; 僵尸猎人 ; 丧尸横行
Project Aftermath 战后余波
Tsunami The Aftermath 海啸之后 ; 海啸余波
The Aftermath 浩劫余波 ; 绝地逢生 ; 劫后余生 ; 海啸过后
aftermath of forest fires 森林火灾后果
Haiti Aftermath 海地余波
TITANIC THE AFTERMATH 未完的故事 ; 泰坦尼克号未完的故事
N-SING The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it. (灾难性大事件的) 后果
In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.
The aftermath of the war was a huge shock for the people in that country.
The equipment in American studios was more advanced than anything in Britain, which had led the Beatles' great rivals, the Rolling Stones, to make their latest album, "Aftermath", in Los Angeles.
A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.