... never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 patrimonial sea 承袭海 ...
non-aligned countries 不结盟国家
Movement of Non-Aligned Countries 不结盟国家运动
department of non-aligned countries 不结盟国家司
department of non aligned countries 不结盟国家司
non-aligned ᷵ countries 不结盟国家
non-aligned ٥ countries 不结盟国家
non-aligned ĥ countries 不结盟国家
non-aligned E countries 不结盟国家
August 1986, the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the 8th Summit of the Non-Aligned countries to rest, it was circulated in a corridor where a strange material.
Other countries need budgets that are more closely aligned with the Global Plan.
Funding gaps reported by countries would be larger if country plans and assessments of funding requirements were fully aligned with the Global plan.