... pulse amplitude modulation 脉波调幅; 调幅控制; 脉冲幅度调制; 谐振频率跟踪; 脉波振幅调变; 脉冲振幅调制; 脉冲幅度灯; 幅度调制; 脉幅调变; 脉幅调制 收藏 Amplitude frequency Curve 幅频特性曲线 收藏 instantaneous amplitude 瞬时振幅; 瞬时幅值; 瞬时幅度 收藏 ...
Amplitude-frequency Curve 幅频特性曲线 ; 振幅 ; 幅频特 ; 曲线
amplitude-frequency curve chart 幅频响应曲线
amplitude-frequency response curve 幅频响应曲线
amplitude-frequency characteristic curve 幅频特性曲线
By harmonic analysis of the model we get the sensor's amplitude frequency curve and phase frequency curve.
Mapped the FIR digital filter design of amplitude frequency characteristic curve.
The phase-frequency and amplitude-frequency responses of the system were analyzed and experimented, which reasonably explains why the hysteretic curve changes with input signal frequency.