and-or gate 与或”门 ; 与或门
linear AND-OR gate 线性与或门
AND OR AND gate 与或与门
and or not gate 与或非门
AND-OR-NOT gate 与或非门 ; 及或非门
AND-OR-AND gate 与或与闸
and-or-invert gate 与或转换门 ; 与或非闸
low voltage ECL OR-AND gate 低压ECL或与门电路
"You can embed intelligent behavior with roller switches, similar to the switch that activates a fridge light, or an AND and OR gate (logic gates are the fundamental of programming), " explains Bdeir.
If you look past the razor wire decorating every gate and fence around every house or apartment, the better parts of Johannesburg might remind you of Santa Monica, Calif.
Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Grimes Point and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?
Or you can talk about the gate being open, and in this case, you can see that you will have an influx of ions.
It has a gate on it and that gate is in open or close state depending on whether a ligand is present or not.