and relate to the students
与同学们相处融洽 » And relate to the students 数控系统 » CNC ..
... 我愿全心全意地对你 » I would like to wholeheartedly on your 和同学相处融洽 » And relate to the students 掌握使用方法 » Master the use of ...
and relate to the students
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Hindu Students Council (HSC) seeks to explore and understand Hindu culture, philosophy, and perspectives as they relate to college life in the United States while also preserving the Hindu heritage.
Other inequities relate to the racial and ethnic background of students, gender, geography, mother tongue, and immigrant status.
UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section
It illsutrates teacher-centred and student-centred approaches which can play a part in helping students relate the curriculum to the real world - both the natural and technological environments in which they live.
UNESCO: Education
The classes cover a range of subjects, including maths, ICT, languages and sciences, and relate directly to the content of the workshops which the students have opted for in order to captivate their interest further.
UNESCO: Country Profile: Uruguay