2009年6月至2010年9月 » June 2009 to September 2010 你是白人还是黑人 » Are you white or black 采用卤素灯作为加热源,升温迅速,加热均匀 » Halogen lamp used as a heat source and heat up rapidly, uniform heating ..
You are black or white 您是要黑的还是白的
But wait - if you are thinking that your North American neighborhood has far more white-painted cars than either silver or black models, you'd be right.
You can change the Settings so the photos are color or black and white.
I am black and you are pink, or white, or whatever it is.
What you don't know is that pictures of black faces or pictures of white faces are being flashed on the screen but they're being flashed on the screen subliminally so fast you don't even know you're seeing them.