safety arming device 安全备炸装置
intermittent arming device 间歇解除保险装置
fuze safety and arming device 安全与解除保险
unified arming device 通用解除保险装置
time arming device 定时解除保险机构
delay arming device 延期解除保险装置
remote arming device 远距离解除保险装置
rotary arming device 转子保险机构
setback arming device 后坐保险机构
The fuze safety system is not just an absolute sub-system in fuze, and is not equivalent to safety and arming device.
Based on the characteristic analyses of fuze arming device, a special acoustic transmission device is selected to obtain the state signal of the device.
The frame of electro-mechanical safety and arming device (S&A) is established, and the electro-mechanical S&A for the mortar shell fuze is designed at the end of the paper.