ashlar brick 面砖 ; 仿石砖 ; [建] 琢面砖 ; 琢石砖
ashlar facing [建] 琢石镶面 ; 条石面层 ; 琢石砌面 ; 琢石贴面
ashlar masonry 琢石圬工 ; 琢石砌体建筑 ; 条石砌体
face ashlar 表面琢石 ; 中表琢石 ; 琢石面
ashlar stone facing 方石砌面
face of ashlar 琢石块的前面 ; 琢石块的前里
N a block of hewn stone with straight edges for use in building 琢石; 用于建筑
Ashlar work consists of regularly cut blocks with squared edges.
The simplest stonework is rubble roughly broken stones bound in mortar. ashlar work consists of regularly cut blocks with squared edges.
The simplest stonework is rubble, roughly broken stones bound in mortar. ashlar work consists of regularly cut blocks with squared edges.