华盛顿的“亚美正义中心”(asin american justice center)、芝加哥的“亚美学会”(asian american institute)、旧金山的“亚洲法律联会”(asian law caucus)以及洛杉矶的“南加州亚太法律中心”(asian pacific legal center)上周假华盛顿举...
In the evening, the President will deliver the keynote address at the Asian Pacific AmericanInstitute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) 18th Annual Gala Dinner in Washington, DC.
On May 3 and 4, Commission Chair, Daphne Kwok will serve as a panelist at the Asian Pacific AmericanInstitute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Leadership Symposium , and AAPI Commissioners and WHIAAPI staff will attend APAICS Gala Awards Dinner ( www.apaics.org).