... 加速器主动限制 computerized control 主动进给 auto-feed 天然枯燥法 nuponuring sejust asoning ...
AUTO FEED 自动换行 ; 自动给进 ; 自动加料 ; 自动进纸
auto feed drifter 自动推进架式凿岩机 ; 详细
auto feed indicator 自动进纸指示灯
auto feed driller 自动给进器
band-saw mill with auto-feed carriage 自动送料带锯机
auto feed switch 自动供纸转换
band-saw machine with auto-feed carriage 自动送料带锯机
Cordless Auto Feed Screwdriver Fastroop 沛辰企业有限公司
auto feed coal 自动加煤
Grinding head with stepper motor auto-feed, vertical adjustment and other new technology.
A description is made on a structure operating principle and main points of the design of auto-feed progressive die of bending extruding flat and cutting for the leading foots.
They’ve added a feature to their highly popular Google Reader that will auto-translate any site with a feed to your native tongue.
他们往大受欢迎的Google Reader里面添加了自动翻译功能,这能够把feed中的任何网站翻译成你的母语。