...自传》 去世一百年之后,马克·吐温(1835-1910)又出新书了12010年11月中旬,《马克·吐温自传》(Autobiography of Mark Twain,加州大学出版社,定价三十五美元)在美国出版,广受读者欢迎。
读者从「 马克吐温自传 ( Autobiography of Mark Twain )看到文学巨擘自己精心刻划,特意在100年之后才公诸于世的大师钜著;张爱玲的隐私与尚不成熟完备的初稿,却在过世没几年,就被强...
The Autobiography of Mark Twain 马克·吐温自传
以上来源于: WordNet
Twain’s decree will be put to the test when the University of California Press publishes the first of three volumes of the 500, 000-word “Autobiography of Mark Twain” in November.
Robert Hirst, director of the Mark Twain Project, spoke about the resulting "talked" autobiography, which follows a less linear path than a more traditional written work.
马克·吐温项目负责人Robert Hirst说最终的口述版自传不同于传统的线性式作品。
Mark Twain wrote in his Autobiography of a letter from Laura, detailing her own crisis as she traveled upriver in May 1858.