China First Automobile Works Group 中国第一汽车集团公司
First Automobile Works 第一汽车集团公司 ; 中国第一汽车集团公司
lublin automobile works 卢布林汽车厂
Second Automobile Works 中国〉第二汽车制造厂
Zhucheng Automobile Works 诸城汽车厂
eisennach automobile works 爱森纳赫汽车厂
Beijing automobile works BAW 北京汽车制造厂有限公司
China's First Automobile Works 中国第一汽车制造厂
The industrial ovens in automobile works are the major energy consumers.
An understanding of how the system work will help you understand how the automobile works.
A real-world example for information hiding is that you do not need to understand in detail how an automobile works to be able to drive it.