低于法定最低人数 » Below the statutory minimum number of 心糟到极点 » Bad to the extreme 要经常去才能说服他们啊 » We should be able to convince them to go often! .
Feel bad to the extreme 感觉坏的极端 ; 感觉很糟糕到了极点 ; 心疼到了极点
Bad heart to the extreme 心糟到极点
bad feelings to the extreme 心情糟到极点
Bad mood to the extreme 心情糟到极点
To take an extreme example, farmlands dominated by a single crop are so unstable that one year of bad weather or the invasion of a single pest can destroy the entire crop.
The Solution: While I agree that you shouldn’t be a miserly Scrooge and save every penny because it physically hurts you to spend it, going the other extreme is just as bad.
Fat women try to lose weight through fasting or extreme diets, which are bad for the baby.