...平衡二叉树的定义 平衡二叉树(Balanced Binary Tree)是具有以下性质的二叉树:它是一棵空树或它的左右两个子树的高度差的绝对值不超过1,并且左右两个子树都是一棵平衡二叉树。
... 平衡二进制系统 balanced binary system 平衡二元树 balanced binary tree 平衡检查模式 balanced check mode ...
height balanced binary tree 何谓高度平衡二元树 ; 平衡二叉树
Sort balanced binary tree 平衡排序二叉树
strict balanced binary tree 严格平衡二叉树
Balanced Binary Search Tree 平衡二叉查找树 ; 元搜寻树 ; 平衡二叉搜索树 ; 平衡二元搜寻树
height-balanced binary search tree 高度平衡二元搜寻树
balanced tree of binary classifiers 将该优化问题拆解为一个二分类器的平衡树
balanced binary sort tree 平衡二叉排序树
strict balanced binary sort tree 严格平衡二叉排序树
balanced binary sorted hash tree 平衡二叉排序Hash树
This paper proposes a promoted certificate revocation based on Hash table and balanced binary tree, and gives the analysis of validity and security.
I won't go into the gory details of Binary Tree Theory as this has already been discussed by Per Nilsson in his "Balanced Binary Tree" submission found here.
我不会详细介绍二叉树理论的详细细节,因为这些东西,Per Nilsson已经在他的“二叉树”中讨论过了,你可以在如下地址here找到详细的细节。
For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differ by more than 1.