...一年内到期长期应付款 long term payable due within one year 长期借款 bank loans - long term 2012年翻译考试词汇指导:会计词汇(7) 原材料 raw materials 包装物 wrappage 低值易耗品 low-value consumption goods 库...
...一年内到期恒久敷衍款 Long term paystomair conditioninghle due within one year 恒久借款 Bank loans - Long term 敷衍债券-债券面值 Bond paystomair conditioninghle - Par visue ..
The best evidence is the allocation of the medium - and long-term loans, which accounted for half of all bank lending.
Aside from expanded lending, the world Bank Group is also working to speed up grants and long-term, interest-free loans to the world's 78 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa.
The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers, thus financing the purchase of us goods and services.