塞浦路斯银行(Bank of Cyprus)是塞浦路斯一家重要的金融机构。截止2013年3月,塞浦路斯银行市值为3.50亿美元,该银行是塞浦路斯最大的银行。
欧洲央行(ECB)管理委员会成员、塞浦路斯央行(Bank of Cyprus)行长欧菲尼德斯(Athanasios Orphanides)周四表示,欧洲央行50个基点的降息预计将在不增加通胀风险的前提下提振欧元区经济。
Central Bank of Cyprus 塞浦路斯央行 ; 塞浦路斯中央银行
Bank Of Cyprus PCL 塞浦路斯银行
Bank of Cyprus Plc 赛普勒斯银行
BANK OF CYPRUS LTD 塞浦路斯的银行 ; 塞浦路斯的银行名
The Bank of Cyprus 塞浦路斯银行
mortgage bank of cyprus ltd 塞浦路斯抵押银行
They've been closed for almost two weeks, but now the central bank of Cyprus says the country's banks will reopen on Thursday at noon local time.
Both occupy land in defiance of the international community — Israel in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Turkey in northern Cyprus.
Economist Edward Yardeni says Cyprus' vows are the latest reminder that the European debt crisis has not been solved, but he says the idea of taxing bank deposits is not likely to spread.