印尼央行(Bank of Indonesia)周四(12月8日)一如预期,维持指标利率在6.0%不变,并称当前的指标利率水平有助于金融稳定以及减轻全球经济放缓带来的影响。
印度尼西亚银行 bank indonesia; bank of indonesia 印度尼西亚 indonesia◇印度尼西亚人 indonesian; 印度尼西亚语 indonesian ..
commerce national bank of indonesia 印度尼西亚国民商业银行
united commerce bank of indonesia 印度尼西亚统一商业银行
Central Bank of Indonesia 印尼中央银行 ; 印度尼西亚中央银行
bank of indonesia detail 印度尼西亚银行
National Bank of Indonesia 印度尼西亚银行
These agencies are the Bank of Indonesia, Bapepam, Directorate General of Taxation, and Ministry of Finance.
They were among the first words World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz spoke as he set foot on the ground in Aceh, the first leg of his trip to Indonesia and Timor Leste.
The Bank has made governance the centerpiece of its most recent Country Assistance Strategy for Indonesia and tried to mainstream governance issues in all of its activities in Indonesia.