bail:由于任何原因中途放弃攀登 Barn door:转门.手脚支点在同一直线,而且重心不在此线下方.身体不可控制地以此线为轴象栅栏门那样转下来 BC (Base camp): 大本营 ..
barn door tracker 旋门追踪器
barn-door fowl 普通家禽
leaf barn door 四叶拉板
Barn Door effect 谷仓门效应
barn-door 谷仓大门
barn door gate 侧向启闭闸门
barn-door hanger 仓库门吊架
Barn-door Skate 敏捷鳐
barn door mount 门板赤道仪
N the door of a barn 谷仓门
The barn door opened and a couple of little girls came in.
There is heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.
So isn’t future regulation likely to be closing the barn door only after the horses’ low-probability escape?