丰盛湾(Bay of Plenty)是盛产奇异果的好地方,因为那里泥土肥沃,气候宜人,非常适合奇异果茂盛生长,而且,特别清新的空气加上地理条件的优势使得奇异...
ty) 奥波蒂基区(Opotiki District) 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) 旺卡塔尼区(Whakatane District) 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) 罗托鲁瓦区(Rotorua District) 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty):61...
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic 丰盛湾理工学院 ; 普伦蒂湾理工学院 ; 新西兰丰盛湾理工学院 ; 丰盛湾国立理工学院
Bay of Plenty Region 丰盛湾区
Bay of Plenty Lodges 丰盛湾旅舍 ; 丰盛湾客栈
Bay of Plenty coast 尸体近日被暴风雨冲到新西兰普兰迪海湾
Western Bay of Plenty District 西普伦蒂湾区
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Tauranga 丰盛理工学院 ; 丰盛湾理工学院
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Institute 普伦蒂湾理工学院
Bay of Plenty Resort 预定丰盛湾度假屋
以上来源于: WordNet
New Zealand Maritime Bureau said, "Reina" cargo ship leaking oil onto the resort 10 Bay of Plenty coast, forcing beaches to close.
New Zealand Maritime Bureau said 10 days, the main beach in the Bay of Plenty Mount maunganui have been found more pieces the size of the oil slick fist.
Altair's found plenty of room by moving the air conditioning system from the engine bay to the roof.