Bidirectional one to many 双向的一对多关系
You can make similar arguments for bidirectional one-to-many and many-to-one when you navigate from the one side (the children entities) to the many side (the parent entity).
one-to-many和many-to-one的双向关联也是类似的, 当你从多端(子实体)定位到一端(父实体)。
Due to the many-to-many nature, loading from one side of a bidirectional association can trigger loading of the other side which can further trigger extra data loading of the original side, and so on.
由于many - to - many的特性,在双向关联的一端加载对象会触发另一端的加载,这会进一步触发原始端加载更多的数据,等等。
An alternative is to use a bidirectional or many-to-one association and let DealCharge take care of the association.
另一种做法是使用双向或many - to - one关联,让DealCharge来管理关联。