big design up front 预先做大量的设计 ; 进行大量设计 ; 预先大量设计 ; 并进行大量设计
This means big, up-front design is inappropriate.
Proponents of Big design Up Front design methodologies spend a lot of time before coding starts trying to determine all the required design elements for the application at hand.
Big Design Up Front设计方法学的支持者在开始编写代码前,要花费大量的时间确定当前应用程序的所有必需的设计元素。
The result is unresponsive development practices based on a Big Design Up-Front (BDUF) mentality, and brittle software that people can't use.
结果是基于 Big Design Up-front (BDUF) 思想的反映迟钝的开发方法,软件不堪一击,人们无法使用它们。