目前建构块进路主要有三个研究分支:盲视(blindsight)、双目竞争(binocular rivalry)与完形转换(gestalt switching),以及视知觉神经相关(the neural correlates of vision)。
双眼拮抗binocular rivalry 苏云金芽孢杆菌YJ-2000菌株对家蚕安全性和杀虫活性的评价Evaluation of the Safety of Bacillus thuringiensis Strain YJ-2000 t...
... 双眼透视 Binocular perspective 双像竞争 Binocular rivalry (Syn. Retinal rivalry) 双眼视觉 Binocular vision ...
Based on the rate-index imaging result, a hypothesis is proposed by creating a model for mechanism of binocular rivalry.
参考来源 - 双眼竞争的客观检测方法·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the phenomenon whereby one is unable to see simultaneously different images presented one to each eye; usually in some areas of the eye the image presented to the left eye is seen, in others that presented to the right eye 双眼拮抗 ; 视觉皮层一侧兴奋可以抑制另外一侧活动的现象 (Also called retinal rivalry) [psychol]