... Birth-Trauma 创伤 Fracture skull birth trauma 颅骨骨折由于产伤 Eye damage birth trauma 眼损伤由于产伤 ...
birth trauma 产伤 ; 出生创伤 ; 生产创伤 ; 分娩损伤
Birth Trauma Injury to Neonates 新生儿产伤发生率
Rupture liver birth trauma 肝破裂由于产伤
Scalpel wound birth trauma 手术刀伤由于产伤
Fracture skull birth trauma 颅骨骨折由于产伤
tentorial tear birth trauma 脑幕撕裂由于产伤
Rupture spleen birth trauma 释义脾破裂由于产伤
other specified birth trauma 其他特指产伤
Fracture spine due birth trauma 释义脊柱骨折由于产伤
以上来源于: WordNet
I felt now, without a doubt, that I had experienced her birth pains, and part of her trauma, too.
I believe that there are some people because of birth trauma, has caused them to be angry from the moment they live the world.
Chronic anxiety in the mother can set the stage for a whole array of trauma based results such as prematurity, complications of birth, death, and miscarriage.