焦虑(anxiety) 一种紧张、不安的情绪体验(与恐惧不同); 人类体验到的最大焦虑是出生创伤(birth trauma),这也是后来一切焦虑的基础; 焦虑的分类: 现实性焦虑(reality anxiety):源自现实生活 神经症性焦虑(neurotic an...
由于骨盆底肌肉虽然是随意控制的肌肉,但 是大部分的尿失禁妇女或因生产创伤(birth trauma)或 长期废用(disuse),而无法正确的执行骨盆底肌肉运 动。
Birth Trauma Injury to Neonates 新生儿产伤发生率
Rupture liver birth trauma 肝破裂由于产伤
Scalpel wound birth trauma 手术刀伤由于产伤
Fracture skull birth trauma 颅骨骨折由于产伤
tentorial tear birth trauma 脑幕撕裂由于产伤
Rupture spleen birth trauma 释义脾破裂由于产伤
other specified birth trauma 其他特指产伤
Fracture spine due birth trauma 释义脊柱骨折由于产伤
Birth-Trauma 创伤
以上来源于: WordNet
Results newborn SAH was closed related with hypoxia, birth trauma and perinatal health care.
I believe that there are some people because of birth trauma, has caused them to be angry from the moment they live the world.
The four laeding causes accounting for 68. 5 % of . 127 perinatal deaths were malformation, complications of the cord, preterm, and obstructed labour or birth trauma.