混合水泥 ( Blended Cement ) 混合水泥系由波特兰水泥烧块、飞灰、天然火山灰、或锻烧的火山灰、或炉石等以一定比例混合而成的,有时也掺杂高炉炉石及波索兰...
减缩剂与水泥适应性的研究 水泥(Coal-gangue cement,CG),硅酸盐水泥复合30%活化煤矸石磨制而成; 复合水泥(Blended cement,BC),硅酸盐水泥复合10%活化煤矸石、10%活性粉煤灰和10%矿渣磨制而成。 实验用主要原材料的化
Fine Blended Cement 高细掺合料水泥
Blended cement composition 发明名称
hydrated blended cement system 复合水泥体系水化产物
blended portland cement 掺混合材的硅酸盐水泥
blended d cement 混合水泥
blended protland cement 混合硅酸盐水泥
pozzolana cement blended 火山灰水泥
The strength and pore structure and other properties of slag-fly ash blended cement, with low clinker, have been studied in order to their components.
针对矿渣、 粉煤灰的组成特点,研究了少熟料矿渣粉煤灰复合水泥的强度和孔结构和其它性能。
Theoretical studies are carried out on the slag of tilting converters in Baoshan Steel Works as an cement addition and the possibilities to make blended cement with other additions.
In terms of technology, blended cement, curing time, equipment, finished products and other aspects the construction method utilizing high liquid plastic limit clay in road bed filling is elaborated.