资料 中文名: 孟买之梦 英文名: Bombay Dreams 类 型: 剧情 喜剧 导 演: Lena Koppel 编 剧: Lena Koppel , M?rten Skogman , 主要演员:
Bombay Dreams How Gee Remix 未知
以上来源于: WordNet
And, and at the moment you're producing, I mean you've got all those theatres but you're actually producing the Bombay Dreams?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
His most recent show was Bombay Dreams, which has transferred to Broadway.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Royal gala for Lloyd Webber show
I'm going to Aida, Bombay Dreams and Beauty and the Beast.
CNN: 10 Questions For Michael Bloomberg