ERROR Cany't boot from CD/DVD(无法从光盘启动) Booting problems(启动出错) Kernel panyic 或者 Kernel oops!错误信息是我们Linux用户所遇到的最接近那个经常困扰Windows用户的蓝屏死机的故障了。
re-booting problems 重新启动问题
Therefore, it must be installed below the 1024th cylinder to avoid booting problems.
因此它必须安装在第1024 th cylinder以前以避免启动问题。
Even if you do not have any problems right now, there is a fair chance that you will have booting problems after a future kernel update.
We've chosen areas we think are the most problematic. These include booting problems, general software usage, the filesystem, networking and distro installation.