盘点游戏中那些经典的至理名言 万人票选游戏中最具魅力的最终BOSS The BOSS(这么帅居然只排在第十) 这十款游戏都是“一周目神作” 《生化奇兵》。
The boss is the boss 老板就是老板
However, after she told her boss what had happened, to her surprise, the boss didn't ask her to pay back the money.
'When I have heard from people who have a good relationship with their boss, the boss says to them it's a good time to start looking.'
Drizzle their experience told the boss, the boss won the sympathy and require the owner to one of her sisters small florets together away.
A huge cowboy,nine feet tall, took one look at Bill and said in a shaky voice, "I was the boss.
VOA: special.2009.11.28
I was in my office along with my boss and Andrew Card, who was the president's first Chief of Staff.
And while you're there your dancing the night away, but you get a call on your iPhone from your boss.