We knew whole scenes by heart, like the end of Flying Deuces, when Hardy is killed in a plane crash and then reincarnated as a horse with a black mustache and a bowler hat.
His tramp persona – bowler hat, baggy trousers, outsize boots, moustache, funny walk – made him the most famous man who ever lived, and one of the richest.
富有创造性的演绎顿时让人声名鹊起。 他的流浪汉形象深入人心——头戴一顶小圆帽,身着一条肥硕的裤子,穿着超大号靴子,留着一撇小胡子,俏皮风趣的走资——颇具喜感的装扮与活灵活现的演绎让他家喻户晓,身价倍增。
Near the mirror stood a wig stand with an old black bowler hat on it.