Brain Storming 集体创造性思维法 ; 脑力激荡 ; 头脑风暴
reverse brain storming 逆向脑激荡
BS Brain storming 脑力激荡
Anti-brain Storming 脑风暴法
electronic brain storming 电子脑力激荡 ; 电子头脑风暴
group brain storming session 群众智暴会议
The Brain Storming 动脑式会议
Brain Storming & Links 脑力激荡与分享
S Brain Storming 脑力激荡
Asked Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, at a brain-storming session organised by Audi, a carmaker.
By hot discussion, we break the estrangement of members, stimulate their thinking, have brain-storming and figure out brilliant thoughts.
"Where does the car end and the phone begin?" asked Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, at a brain-storming session organised by Audi, a carmaker.
在一个由汽车制造商audi组织的研讨会上,“哪里是人工的终结,智能的开始?”Wired杂志的主编Chris Anderson问道。