... budgetary position 财政预算状况 budgetary strategy 财政预算策略 budgetary system 财政预算制度 ...
multiple budgetary system [财政] 复式预算制度
unitary budgetary system 单一预算制
centralized budgetary and payments system 集中预算及支付制度
fixed budgetary system 固定预算法
flexible budgetary system 弹性预算法
incremenal budgetary system 增量预算法
zero-based budgetary system 零基础预算法
financial budgetary system of india 印度的财政预算体制
budgetary control system 预算管制制度 ; [财政] 预算控制系统 ; 预算管理系统
We also found that morality judgments were significantly associated with the target manager's behavior, but not with the budgetary system.
The court hardly does so as a result of maladies in the establishment of court institution, personal management, budgetary system and internal structure of courts.
A number of "System Test" Environments may be configured, depending on your specific needs and budgetary constraints.