... 建筑用芦饰 Reeds, for building 建筑用纸 Building paper 建筑用纸板 Paperboard for building ...
decorated building paper 建筑装饰用纸
reinforced building paper 增强建筑用纸 ; 增强修建用纸
building paper and board 建筑用纸和纸板
On Building a Paper Factory 关于兴建造纸厂
building g paper 建筑用纸 ; 防潮纸
Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂
N any of various types of heavy-duty paper that usually consist of bitumen reinforced with fibre sandwiched between two sheets of kraft paper: used in damp-proofing or as insulation between the soil and a road surface 建筑纸; 内夹沥青及纤维的双层牛皮纸,用于防潮或泥土和路面间的隔离层