...校门口有个叫李明的男孩在等你 » School gate, a man named Li boy waiting for you 煲煲香 » Burning incense burning 成为一名志愿工作者固然很令人兴奋,但让我担心自己没有能力做额外的工作 » Became a volunteer is certainly is exciting but I...
It was, I mean, that song just reminds me of Saturday mornings, cleaning up, getting laundry ready, making my bed, incenseburning, house smelling fresh, sunshine through the window.
Inside the hangar-like halls, the air is thick with burningincense, the pungent odours of durian fruit and fresh herbs, and the rubbery, plastic smell of a thousand useless trinkets.
Half the Olympic program, on the other hand, was given over to religious ritual: processions, hymn-singing, incense-burning, gory animal sacrifice and strange incantations by exotically attired priests.