Corporate and Business Law 公司法与商法 ; 企业法与商法 ; 公司与企业法律 ; 企业与商务法律
International Business Law 国际商法 ; 国际商业法 ; 国际商务法 ; 国际经济法
Business Topic Business law 商务话题篇商法 ; 商务话题篇
Business & Law 商业和法律
lnternational Business Law 国际商法
On International Business Law 关于国际商法
Economics And Business Law 经济法和商法 ; 经济学和商业法
Master of Business Law 商业法硕士 ; 商业法 ; 商法硕士学位
Jennifer S. Taub is a Lecturer and Coordinator of the Business Law Program at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
詹妮弗。s .托布是马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校伊森·伯格管理学院商法项目的讲师兼协调员。
Have a fair command of American legal knowledge, especially knowing how to deal with cases on contract law, business law, intellectual property law and torts.
Instead, however, she has chosen to pursue a master's degree in international business law at the University of Amsterdam, something she insists would not be possible if she were already married.