... cannot make ends meet 入不敷出 on a shoestring 用极少的钱生活 tighten one's belt 省吃俭用 ...
...捉襟见肘 pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness, only to expose one's elbows; be coming out at the elbows; be hard up; be in straitened circumstances; cannot make ends meet; expose the elbow when fastening one's jacket -- poor; expose one's elbow when drawing tight the lapel of one's jacket; ...
“You cannot make ends meet on 400 euros a month, ” declared one retired plumber.
Others cannot make ends meet without several cards, even though they run the risk of late fees and high interest rates.
A library with a bundled subscription deal cannot make ends meet by dropping a few journals, as it could in the old days.